12:00 PM

Cool calendar

Coheed and Cambria - "Welcome Home"

So I saw this neat artsy fartsy calendar on photojojo.com and decided that Eric's blank condo walls could use a little bit of pizzaz. a) it's functional and b) it's easy — two qualities that are essential to the lazy wannabe crafty person like me.

Neat way to add some spice to an otherwise dull wall, and it's just awesome on so many levels.

All you have to do is take your camera out with you and take pictures of any number you see between 1-31. Get a few clips and put it all together, and throw in a few extra photos that are meaningful to you for the blank days of the month. Every time the month changes, you just rearrange the numbers. It's a simple matter of swapping the columns around since certain numbers will always be in the same column like 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, etc...

If anyone else tries it, let me know how it turns out!


Wonder Mon said...

hmm.. thats nifty.. i shall do that!

Eric said...

This is quite easily one of Eric's all time favorite gifts!

Not only does it make a nifty calendar, it also has awesometastic pictures of me and Jo! Note the ones in the top left and bottom right, they're my favorite.

neural_traffic said...

i must say, that's pretty awesome

Yukiko said...

Coheed and Cambria - "Welcome Home" bad-ass song ever!!

Did you know they have this song in first rockband? They took out the swear words~ haha!

nice calender!!

kibou said...

damm jo that's pretty cool!

the only downside? you can't write reminders on them... or maybe.. via post-it notes?

Unknown said...

dude cuz, that calender rocks!

Justine said...

This is so cool! And wow, I am so late in commenting!!

chrisBEAN said...

Time to update, Jo!!