Coheed and Cambria - "Welcome Home"
So I saw this neat artsy fartsy calendar on and decided that Eric's blank condo walls could use a little bit of pizzaz. a) it's functional and b) it's easy — two qualities that are essential to the lazy wannabe crafty person like me.
Neat way to add some spice to an otherwise dull wall, and it's just awesome on so many levels.
All you have to do is take your camera out with you and take pictures of any number you see between 1-31. Get a few clips and put it all together, and throw in a few extra photos that are meaningful to you for the blank days of the month. Every time the month changes, you just rearrange the numbers. It's a simple matter of swapping the columns around since certain numbers will always be in the same column like 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, etc...
If anyone else tries it, let me know how it turns out!
Labels: cool stuff
D'espairsRay - "R.E.M-fuyu no genchou"
Given the infatuation all men (and women) have with the ladies boasting a nice, large set of breasts, I think it's time to give us small-boobed women some love.
I'll be the first to admit that I do not have boobs the size of watermelons. Even for an Asian I'm relatively flat. And yes, sometimes it sucks. But you know what, spring is raining its way in and that means I'm coming out of my winter funk and I'm starting to feel better about myself.
So be proud of your size, oh ye of little breast!
- Can you sleep on your stomach comfortably? 'Cause I can. It's awesome.
- Perky, perky, perky.
- When I run, i don't need to worry about my uniboob hitting me in the face.
- Heck, any kind of exercise is a lot easier.
- Pfft, back pain? What back pain?
- I can play up my legs and not look like trash
- What, I'm compact. Can you squeeze through tight spaces?
- I can be the androgynously hot female
- Or slip on an awesome push-up and titillate others (teehee)
NoGoD - "Kono ame no mokou ni"
Alive? yes.
Life is teaching me some invaluable lessons and I'm carefully taking notes. Or taking careful notes. Or listening to musical notes. And boy, oh boy, does NoGoD have some awesome musical notes. I think I've rediscovered the joy behind rocking out.
Scratch the first bit of this post. I think life is throwing a chalk brush at me and I'm sitting behind my desk staring out the window at the sunshine that's almost within arm's reach listening to some awesome music dreaming of the day when I can go out and touch the cool waters of Yosemite's glaciers don't you love run-on sentences?
Either way, I'm paying attention to something.
Labels: cryptic
Dir en grey - "doukoku to sarinu"
A week and a half ago, my coworker asked me to water her plants while she went on vacation. I promptly forgot until 2 days ago when my mom gleefully pointed to the African Violet in my room and exclaimed that she'd brought it back to life (again).
Today, thinking that I could get to work earlier than my coworker and save the plant before she got in, I grabbed the dried up leaves, threw them into a bucket of water and proceeded to let the roots soak. I felt awful. My coworker was sweet and forgave me for almost killing her plants.
They perked up a little by the end of the day. The goal was to remove them from the water and then revive them with regular watering.
For the entire day, I sat at my desk, checking on the greens every few hours, singing to them, talking to them, petting the leaves. I wrote post-it notes and stuck them to my monitor, "take plants out!"
At 5 o' clock, I grabbed my jacket and left the building, plants still drowning in water.
And this is why I should never have kids.
ps. My mom was a florist when I was younger, and brought home a variety of neat flowers when I was kid. How I managed to kill all of them including two cactii is beyond me. The only exception is the African Violent which my mom repeatedly brings back to life.
Labels: the daily grind
Enchanter - "marilyn dream road"
Today, the blogosphere will learn a whole lot more about me than they really want to know because Yukiko dared me to post a picture of my desk,You can tell I'm cool and trendy because I'm on Facebook. And I know you all want that red pocket sitting there.
The reason why I hate people moving my things around:
Wait for it....
wait for it....
wait for it....What. It's an organized mess. I know where everything is! Once things are moved, I'm at a loss and have no idea where to start looking. The lesson here is: don't try to clean my room. Anyone who's ever lived with me knows.
Interesting things to note: yes, I am currently reading The Game by Neil Strauss. Very entertaining and enjoyable. Also, he's a writer for the New York Times, which means he's somewhat adept at storytelling. And he is. Good read. And there's the Watchmen under it.
Also, blackcurrant candies? DELICIOUS.
I'm still trendy and cool 'cause I'm on Facebook.
And there's a green gift-wrapped box from the days that I was a professional gift-wrapper.
The coolest part here? The toy kitchen sitting way in the background with the stuffed bears on top. It shows my inner child. :)
Labels: life
You can mouse over and see every front page of every newspaper in the world! And then read it if you want!
There's my afternoon. Thanks Dad, for killing all productivity for the day.
Labels: cool stuff, journalism
Cinema Bizarre - "Forever or never"
I can't tell what's hotter: The girl or the shirt.
Sorry boys, but sometimes, females are just so much more attractive and interesting to look at. If I had the balls, I'd love to cut my hair like that.
Labels: fashion