muzak: ATB - "9am till I come"Two crucial weeks to go before the finish of my schooling career and my laptop dies.
I'll be getting a loaner, but it's just not the same using a foreign computer. My folders are all in the wrong place. The bookmarks aren't mine. The hidden pr0n isn't from my personal selection. The scandalous sex pictures aren't of me. The keyboard grooves don't fit my fingers.
I don't know if it's the idea that--after being a student for my entire life--I'm suddenly faced with the idea of no grades ever again. Or maybe it's the loss of my baby, my laptop; but I feel so lost and forlorn and...confused. I've been wandering my room for the last day or so searching for my missing limb.
muzak: Enchanter - "love song"
Thanks to for this:
平成10年に急死し、5月2日に10周忌を迎えるX JAPANのギタリスト、hideさん(本名松本秀人、享年33)の追悼イベントが同月3、 4日に東京都調布市の味の素スタジアムで行われることが20日、分かった。X JAPANによる初の追悼公演で、メンバー全員が参加。さらにLUNA SEA、Dir en greyら約20組が集結し、10万人を動員する。
X JAPANの関係者によると、hideさんの実弟、松本裕士さんの主催でYOSHIKIがプロデュース。hideさんの命日である5月2日に続く3、4日に東京・味の素スタジアムで開催し、2日間で約10万人を動員する。
タイトルは「hide memorial summit」。“サミット”の名にふさわしくX JAPANのメンバー全員のほか、LUNA SEA、Dir en grey、T.M.Revolutionらビッグネームが続々参集。2日間で延べ約20組が競演する。
Ten years after the death of hide, Yoshiki has finally grown the balls to have a memorial summit in his hide's honour. The absoloutely crazybone event will be a 2-day bonanza, with Luna Sea and Dir en grey and about 20 artists in total.
X Japan. Luna Sea. Dir en grey. *twitch*
After I finished having a seizure, I decided that I should take my Asia trip this year. And be in Tokyo around May 3 and 4. I don't care if this is just another one of Yoshiki's cash grabs, the lineup is what's important here. The lineup!
As a side note: why 10 years after hide's death? According to Babelfish: "But the mental damage of YOSHIKI is large flame failure." I wish Yosh would stop hiding behind this lame excuse for his repeated bombs in the last 10 years. Large flame failure, indeed.
In any case, who cares. X Japan. Luna Sea. Dir en grey. How much do you think tickets will be? And who wants to go?
Labels: music
muzak: 10 years - "the Autumn Effect"
My dear friend's getting married in less than a month.
I am feeling stress. I've never had to take care of giftings on my own before. Does anyone have any idea how registries and showers work? And proper wedding etiquette? Monies?
How is it possible that I'm feeling more stressed about this than the fact that I'm graduating in less than a month and as of yet, am still an unemployed bum? Who wants to get on my good side and hook me up with a job at CBC or 680 news, or any of the CanWest or CTVglobemedia conglomerates?
Or a job flipping burgers...
On that note, Wes Borland (formerly of Limp Bizkit) is stepping in to play the axe for X Japan's live!? What is this madness!?
Labels: life
muzak: Siam Shade - "Keikoku"
One of our projects last term involved building a website that would take a more in-depth look at a broader social issue.
My group chose to look into the phenomenon of teenagers setting themselves on fire for kicks. The activity didn't become public until a 14-year-old kid got seriously burned in school last September. Suddenly, fire officials, big corporations, and other teens were speaking out about their experiences with playing with fire, and what should be done to prevent it.
Wanna learn more? Check out our new media project from Fall 2007: TEENAGERS ON FIRE
Or read my contribution to the set of articles: the Axe Effect
I was also in charge of photography and graphic design.
Labels: clippings, journalism
muzak: Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova - "Falling slowly"
I made a foray into the world of amateur modeling this past weekend to pimp out my friend's fashionistic creations. Prancing around Queen St. wearing nothing but a kimono in March weather was kinda cold. But sorta fun.
So here I am helping Jess pimp out her clothing line, fRuit*D*dIEnamite (holy arbitrary capitalization!). Oh, who am I kidding, I'm pimping myself out at the same time. It tickles my feminine senses to have pictures of myself where I don't look like a complete bum.
P.S. did anyone notice the new musical rotation on the sidebar?
muzak: Alanis Morisette - "uninvited"
The same company that brought you this and this has finally opened its Japanese doors to the rest of the world.Thanks, Tokyo Street Report!
H.Naoto was my first love for Japanese fashion. Unfortunately, their previous closed door policy to foreign markets and unwarranted high prices put a damper on my enthusiasm.
I don't know when they launched the English site, but it's ugly as sin.
Still, I'm glad that they're making an effort to become more accessible. Now if they'd just slash their prices as happily as they slash their clothing...
Labels: fashion
muzak: Gazette - "Silly god disco"
Am I missing something? When did changing the clocks become such a big deal?
Every radio station that I flipped to today (all of 2!) was making reminders to push the clocks ahead by an hour this weekend. Fair enough, this is all happening earlier than we're used to -- I'm sure that despite all the reminders, some poor sap will show up for work an hour late on Monday.
But there are actually tips out there on how to adjust to one hour's loss of sleep time! Among them: exercise well, sleep an hour earlier, don't operate heavy machinery the next day and eat dinner an hour earlier to help your body adjust.
Going a little overboard much? It's not like we're suddenly swapping day for night and the whole universe is going out of control. It's an hour's sleep. I'm sure everyone has nights where they get 10 hours, and nights with only 5. Suck it up.
Seriously, am I missing something about the incredibly detrimental effects of losing an hour's sleep? If I shouldn't be operating heavy machinery, I don't think I should go to my Monday morning class either. I always get a nasty case of the Mondays, I'm sure it'll be amplified tenfold with the loss of one hour of my day.
You know what really throws me off? This ridiculous amount of snow we're getting when we're supposed to be moving into better weather times. I guess this is what I get for flipping Jack Frost the bird.
Muzak: Dir en grey - "Yurameki"
I can't even pretend to be young and say that I'm in my early 20's anymore. It's so disheartening!
Despite my despair at reaching another year of physical decline, and despite being in class all day and having group meetings all evening, this is probably the best birthday I've had in years. It more than makes up for last year's debacle.
You guys are the ones that make everything worth it. And Facebook too, for being the reminder.
Now check out a piece of the booty I got. And wipe that drool from your keyboard.
Labels: cool stuff, life